AT Digitals



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Rakuten / IT & Services

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We understand the importance of efficient and secure development processes. We were proud to partner with Rakuten, a leading e-commerce giant, to develop a custom automation product that revolutionizes their code testing practices. This case study explores how our solution empowers Rakuten's development teams to identify bugs, address bugs and vulnerabilities with greater efficiency.


Rakuten required a sophisticated automation product that could seamlessly integrate with their existing development workflows. The solution needed to support popular version control systems like GitHub and Bitbucket, automate code scans, and provide comprehensive reports highlighting all detected bugs and vulnerabilities. The goal was to streamline the code review process, improve code quality, and enhance security measures.


The primary objective was to develop an automated code testing solution for Rakuten that would efficiently scan their development code, identify bugs and vulnerabilities, and generate detailed reports. The solution needed to support integration with GitHub and Bitbucket, ensuring seamless adoption by Rakuten's development teams.

Our Plan & Process

AT Digitals developed a custom automation product specifically tailored to Rakuten's needs. Key features include:



The product streamlines the testing process by automatically scanning code repositories hosted on GitHub and Bitbucket, enhancing efficiency and productivity.



The solution harnesses sophisticated algorithms, employing them to effectively identify a wide array of bugs and vulnerabilities present within the codebase.



Comprehensive reports are generated, outlining the identified issues with severity levels and code locations, enabling developers to prioritize fixes efficiently.



The automation product integrates seamlessly with Rakuten's existing development workflows, minimizing disruption and maximizing developer adoption.

High Fidelity Wireframes


Rakuten's new automation product has yielded significant benefits:
1. Increased Efficiency: Automated code scanning saves development teams valuable time previously spent on manual testing.
2. Improved Code Quality: By identifying a wider range of bugs and vulnerabilities early in the development cycle, Rakuten ensures a higher quality codebase. Enhanced Security: Early detection and mitigation of vulnerabilities strengthens Rakuten's overall security posture.
3. Streamlined Development Process: The automation product integrates seamlessly with existing workflows, fostering a more efficient development process.

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